Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Reminder:EAP/SFBA Fellowship Information Session Tomorrow 9/7/10

The new frontier of creative leadership requires new competencies, skills and sensitivities that are adaptive, engaging and relevant. It is in this spirit that the Emerging Arts Professionals/San Francisco Bay Area (EAP/SFBA) are pleased to announce our 2010-2011 Fellowship Program. You are invited to information session at Intersection 5M, 925 Mission Street @ 5th Street, […]

Announcing the EAP/SFBA 2010-2011 Fellowship

Announcing the Emerging Arts Professionals/SFBA 2010-2011 Fellowship! This Fellowship program seeks to answer the question: What’s next? and looks to the future by bringing together insightful and energetic leadership and emerging models in a convergence of participatory practice and action learning. The new frontier of creative leadership requires new competencies, skills and sensitivities that are adaptive, engaging and relevant. It is in this spirit […]

Reminder:EAP/SFBA Fellowship Information Session Tomorrow 9/7/10

The new frontier of creative leadership requires new competencies, skills and sensitivities that are adaptive, engaging and relevant. It is in this spirit that the Emerging Arts Professionals/San Francisco Bay Area (EAP/SFBA) are pleased to announce our 2010-2011 Fellowship Program. You are invited to information session at Intersection 5M, 925 Mission Street @ 5th Street, […]

Announcing the EAP/SFBA 2010-2011 Fellowship

Announcing the Emerging Arts Professionals/SFBA 2010-2011 Fellowship! This Fellowship program seeks to answer the question: What’s next? and looks to the future by bringing together insightful and energetic leadership and emerging models in a convergence of participatory practice and action learning. The new frontier of creative leadership requires new competencies, skills and sensitivities that are adaptive, engaging and relevant. It is in this spirit […]