Evolve & Vocalize: Overview


We can act now to make a positive, powerful impact

1. Provide opportunities to connect

  • a. share resources
  • b. technology
  • c. life

2. Entrepreneurial training

  • a. business plan marketing, branding
  • b. grant writing

3. Don’t want to be redundant

  • a. use technology

4. Mentorship

  • a. help those that are lost
  • b. career map

5. Partnership

  • a. Co-produce
  • b. Know what we’re up to

6. Leverage out current knowledge

  • a. Market our process
  • b. Position ourselves as consultants

7. Making the case

  • a. Broader societies view of us

8. Founders do roundtables

  • a. listen to our ideas

9. Founders create residencies for artists
10. Founders giving money to artists

  • a. addressing process and not just product

11. Virtual arts organizations
12. Influence what’s already out there

  • a. Jumping on a train that’s already going

13. more attention to sharing resources

  • a. Forums
  • b. Share ideas
  • c. Regional sharing
  • d. Different people getting involved

14. Paradox= work is not valued vs. people staying forever
15. Smart people in this room
16. Ok to be more profit and business oriented
17. Non-profits can look to small businesses
18. Use of volunteers
19. Political involvement

  • a. Recruiting for boards
  • b. Everyone should be an arts advocate
  • c. Share responsibility
  • d. local advocacy
  • e. Groom yourself for these roles
  • f. What’s happening in Washington

20. Value system

  • a. Language is shifting
  • b. Help us figure out what to do!

21. Relocation of resources

  • a. Schools doing research

22. Adapting

  • a. Artists and orgs being resourceful
  • b. Staying positive
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