We've moved & our Cultural Policy 101 Blog Salon starts today!


Emerging Arts Professionals/SFBA has moved to emergingsf.org Please visit us on our shiny new site.

“Who We Are” – The Cultural 101 Blog Salon Begins Today

Emerging Arts Professionals/SFBA and Oakland Museum of California (OMCA)
are proud to kick off the Cultural Policy 101 Blog Salon today! Dedicated
to reframing the issues around cultural policies, check into emergingsf.org
daily and follow our insightful guest bloggers who will investigate
policies, promote alternative solutions, and address issues that
affect our cultural sector.

Below is just a sampling of what you will find on the Emerging Arts
Professionals website this week:

Who We Are
by Arlene Goldbard
Writer, activist, blogger

I admit it: I’m obsessed. I turn my attention to the way we spend our
commonwealth as a nation, and like a song you can’t get out of your head,
the cultural policy questions that matter most to me keep cycling through:
Who are we as a people? What do we want to remembered for, our vast
creativity, or our prodigious ability to punish?

Most mainstream debate about cultural policy in the U.S. actually focuses
on one question, arts funding. Recently, the focus has been on cuts to the
budgets of state arts agencies and the National Endowment for the Arts.

To read more, please visit our website at http://emergingsf.org/?p=52.

Stay tuned this week for more posts from other cultural advocates such as :

Eboni Senai Hawkins (see.think.dance)
Randolph Belle (Support Oakland Artists)
Nancy Hernandez (Program Manager, Estria Foundation)
Jacinda Abcarian, Executive Director, Youth Radio,
Kenji Liu –Writer, Graphic designer, Cultural Worker
Kristi Holohan & Ara Jo, Class Directors, Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Susan Mernit, Editor/Publisher, Oakland Local
Sanjit Sethi, Center for Art in Public Like, CCA

***This salon can only work with YOUR participation.  Please share your
hopes, insights, and criticisms of the arts and culture sector. There is
a lot of potential to investigate and to inspire; so visit emergingsf.org
daily from April 11th-15th for updated postings and comments.

Questions? Contact: nextgenerationsf@gmail.com

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