The Heart of It is a MADE awardee because it is a project aimed at knowledge-sharing, a cornerstone of Emerging Arts Professionals / SFBA. The Heart of It embraces transparency through storytelling and encourages arts leaders at all levels to learn from each other and ask important questions.
– Michelle Reynolds Lynch – EAP Engagement Director, MADE Program Director
The Heart of It – A series of interviews with leaders in the arts.
The Heart of It is a project to discover and document the stories of established leaders in the local arts sector — unearthing the risks, success, failures, strokes of genius, and strokes of luck that have helped them become the leaders they are today.
“The Heart of It is a sustained exploration of the lives of those who shape our community. With this project, we hope to gain a glimpse into the collective wisdom and expertise that guides and inspires us, as emerging arts professionals, in working hard in order to make a difference.” – Alex Randall (Project Coordinator)
As members of a professional field, we want to understand what growth and leadership looks like in practice. As participants in a local arts community, we want to share and document the stories of those who lead us and find, in these stories, connections among ourselves. And as emerging arts professionals, we want to consider the stories of those we admire and unearth the risks, successes, failures, strokes of genius, and strokes of genius that have helped them become the leaders they are today.
The Heart of It is led by Alex Randall in collaboration with Jessie Dykstra, Leah Reisman, Adriana Marcial, and Claire Frost, all of whom were EAP 2013-14 Fellows.
The first three interviews will be published on October 15th, October 29th, and November 12th (all Wednesdays), with more interviews to follow in upcoming months.
Stay tuned!